European innovators call on the European Parliament to support MEP Marietje Schaake’s amendments on Article 3 for the benefit of European research and innovation
We, representatives of startups, SMEs, technology, data, research and insights companies; open access publishers; and non-profits organisations, warmly welcome the amendments tabled by MEP Marietje Schaake (ALDE, NL) and supported by 49 MEPs from the largest parliamentary groups (EPP, ECR, ALDE and S&D), including Shadow Rapporteur Ms. Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (S&D, Poland).
We are particularly pleased to see Ms. Schaake amend Article 3 to propose a simple, broad mandatory exception for Text and Data Mining (TDM).
We believe this amendment will provide much needed legal certainty and reduce market fragmentation, particularly for European researchers, startups and small businesses. Moreover, it protects both the legitimate interests of rightsholders and the right for anyone with legal access to the underlying work to engage in TDM for any purpose.
TDM is the foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI): it enables researchers, universities, companies and startups to analyse and understand data much faster than humans ever could, using computers.
Thanks to TDM, we can find answers that can address major societal challenges such as climate change, fake news, or rare diseases.
Limiting TDM will limit Europe’s AI ambitions. The wider scientific community, representing both public and private research, has collectively called for a copyright framework that enables a fair and effective use of TDM, to ensure Europe’s competitiveness and future prosperity.
If on 12 September, the European Parliament does not adopt a broad TDM exception to support the development of AI in Europe, our best innovators may be forced to leave Europe.
Therefore, we urge all MEPs to vote for Ms. Schaake’s amendments 225, 226, 240, 241, 242.
- Allied for Startups;
- BSA | The Software Alliance
- Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT);
- European DIGITAL SME Alliance;
- Frontiers;
- Open State Foundation.
Download our statement here: EU innovators support SchaakeAMs on Art3_statement_10Sept